10 Fastest Sharks In The World

Sharks are undeniably majestic. They have been around for more than 300 million years, and they come in various shapes and sizes. There are different types of sharks, but not all sharks evolved to be the same. These 10 fastest sharks in the world might surprise you. As you can see, the mako shark is the fastest shark in the world, reaching up to 60 mph.

SharkTop Speed (mph)Length (ft)Lifespan (years)
Shortfin Mako Shark451330
Blue Shark24.51320
Bull Shark2511.516
Great White Shark3515-2070
Hammerhead Shark2515-1820-30
Thresher Shark302020-50
Mako Shark601330
Carcharhinus Limbatus30812
Salmon Shark458-1120-27
Tiger Shark4012-1830


The fastest shark in the world is the Shortfin Mako Shark that can swim with a top speed of an incredible 45 mph. The last one on our list is the Blue Shark, which can still reach an impressive speed of 24.5 mph when swimming.

Table of Contents

1. Shortfin Mako

The shortfin mako shark is known for its speed, reaching up to 40 mph. They are found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The shortfin mako shark has been recorded at a maximum speed of 45 mph, making it the fastest fish globally.

They are known for their aggression and have even attacked humans who ventured too close to them. The shortfin mako is also one of the largest sharks, measuring up to 13 feet long and weighing between 100-350 lbs.

They are also known for their ability to jump out of the water. Something that is normally only seen in dolphins. It has led some people to believe a common ancestor may be between these two animals.

As if being one of the fastest sharks wasn’t enough reason to stay away from it, conservationists ranked shortfin mako sharks as “vulnerable” due to overfishing. These creatures are vital parts of seafood chains. They will eat just about anything from small fish to squid and even large mammals like seals.

2. Blue Shark

The blue shark is one of the most common sharks out there. They can be found in temperate and tropical waters all around the world. Blue sharks can be extremely large and measure up to 14 feet long.

These creatures are known for their long migrations across the oceans, where they travel thousands of miles per year. It’s thought that blue sharks might make these long journeys to mate. 

They also tend to hibernate during the winter. You won’t see them around as often during those months. It makes sense, though. If there isn’t a lot of food available and the ocean starts getting colder, what else would they do to conserve energy?

Blue sharks are also the most highly fished species in the world. Their meat is considered a delicacy, so it makes sense why we might want to catch them.

The blue shark has a few interesting features like large eyes. They allow them to find prey in the dark, and their bodies are well efficient to move through the water at fast speeds. It’s thought that blue sharks use this speed as one of their attack strategies when hunting for food.

They usually feed on:

  • Squid
  • Pelagic schooling fish
  • Carcasses of whales and turtles

3. Bull Shark

Bull sharks are more common in warmer oceans, but they can easily migrate since they can live in saltwater and freshwater.

Bull sharks are one of the most dangerous kinds of sharks and can swim at a speed of up to 24 mph. And their behavior has even led them to be called “the garbage trucks” of the sea because they’ll eat anything. They’re known for being aggressive. They have been known to attack people without any warning in the past.

One of the most interesting things about bull sharks is they can live in freshwater rivers over a sustained period.

However, just because they can survive in freshwater doesn’t mean it’s safe for them. It was discovered that when bull sharks go into freshwater, their bodies fill up with fluids that could harm them.

4. Great White

Great white sharks are among the more famous kinds of sharks. It’s easy to understand why they might be featured in many movies about terrifying sea creatures.

Great white sharks are the largest species of predatory fish in the world. And it’s estimated that they can grow up to 20 feet long and swim at 35 mph. Their enormous size is surprising since they’re related to smaller fish species.

It turns out that their teeth are so big and strong that when they bite down on something, there’s no way for them to let go. 

Great white sharks are powerful swimmers. They can be found in just about every ocean around the world, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe to go swimming with them. They might not be known for attacking humans without warning as bull sharks do.

There have been some reports where great whites were seen circling boats or objects such as surfboards and biting down on whatever was in reach.

Maybe you find yourself in a situation where a Great White is coming at you. The best thing to do would probably be to move away quickly since they can’t stop or change direction once they feel provoked.

5. Hammerhead

It is another one of those sharks that gets a lot of attention. They’re called “hammerhead sharks” because of the shape of their head. As we mentioned earlier, part of what makes sharks so fascinating is that they’re such powerful and fast swimmers.

When these massive creatures would come around looking for food, smaller sharks who wanted to stay alive would have to protect themselves.

Since hammerhead sharks are smaller than whales, they didn’t need as much protection. So over time, their bodies adapted in a way that helped them swim faster.

The unique thing about it is that when you look at one head-on, the fins on either side of the shark seem to form a cross with each other. This helps them turn quickly without losing too much momentum.!

Hammerhead Shark

It’s not just because of how well their eyes can focus that hammerhead sharks have managed to survive so long, though. It turns out that they’ve also evolved something known as “ampullae de Lorenzini.

It lets them sense electromagnetic currents caused by other animals moving around in the water. It is another way that sharks can detect prey even if they’re not necessarily visible. 

The different types of hammerhead sharks include:

  • Great hammerhead
  • Smooth hammerhead
  • Hammerheads
  • Winghead sharks

6. Thresher

One of the reasons that sharks are so successful is their ability to maintain high speeds while they hunt. It’s part of why they’re considered apex predators in their ecosystem.

The thresher shark is one example that gets its name from the sail-like fin on its body. These sharks use this tail for swimming fast isn’t quite as simple as you might think. If you’ve ever seen them swim, it might seem like they’re just using their tail fins to whip themselves forward. However, there’s more to it.

These sharks are known for hunting by gradually swimming towards schools of fish at a lower speed. And then suddenly speeding up when they get close enough so that they can catch them in one swift motion.

It is thought to be possible because thresher sharks have very loose skin. It means their bodies will shrink less as they move, resulting in improved elasticity.

Interestingly, this kind of shark is how much energy it has compared to other fast-moving fish such as swordfish. Since these creatures typically feed on smaller prey like squid and mackerel rather than larger animals though it’s not a big issue. Thresher sharks have been recorded swimming at speeds of up to 30 mph.

The best method for catching prey is how the shark uses its tail fin with its massive pectoral fins. They are thought to create forward thrusts while swimming. This way, they can use their tail fin to capture prey in a single sweep while still moving quickly. It is only part of why thresher sharks have been so successful over time.

The three different types of thresher sharks include:

  • Common thresher
  • Pelagic thresher
  • Bigeye thresher

7. Mako

Another really fast shark is the mako. These guys have been known to reach speeds of up to 20 mph which honestly doesn’t seem that fast compared with what some other sharks can do.

The mako shark attacks are so interesting to scientists because these creatures have evolved something known as a “sprinting mechanism.” They create energy for their muscles in advance by pumping water through them. It lets the body produce more power when they need it the most.

This shark also has an extremely hydrodynamic body with sleek skin and torpedo-shaped bodies. It means it can swim at high speed with very little effort.

On top of all this, one thing we haven’t mentioned yet is mako sharks’ eyesight. Scientists have noted that these creatures see better above water than below. It’s because their retina contains more cones than usual.

Also, here’s an overview of how dangerous they are to humans:

SharkDanger to Humans (0-10)
Shortfin Mako Shark6
Blue Shark3
Bull Shark8
Great White Shark9
Hammerhead Shark4
Thresher Shark5
Mako Shark6
Carcharhinus Limbatus3
Salmon Shark2
Tiger Shark9

8. Carcharhinus Limbatus:

Another interesting fact about this type of shark is that they have an extra sense called electroreception. It lets them detect electric fields. Some scientists believe this enables sharks to sense prey even in the dark.

This ability isn’t that rare amongst sharks, and there are a few different theories about why they use it. Still, the most popular one seems to be that detecting faint electrical discharges from muscles can help these creatures find their way around without bumping into rocks.

This type of shark has a very muscular body and long, thin pectoral fins. They let it swim at speeds of up to 30 mph. Speed is the only real advantage when this kind of shark comes face-to-face with its prey. A great way to do this is by using “lift,” where their bodies turn upwards slightly instead of going forward straight away.

9. Salmon Shark:

This type of shark is really interesting because it has a pretty incredible sense of smell. It can also detect low concentrations of amino acids, which means it can find food even if they’re far away.

This shark is a pretty interesting species because the males only grow to about two meters in length. At the same time, larger females have been known to reach lengths of up to four meters. Scientists have explained the reason why this happens. When female salmon sharks reproduce, their body size can increase up to 20%.

Their bodies are also really streamlined, which helps them to swim quickly. Scientists have linked these sharks’ abilities with their diet since salmon sharks tend only to eat small fish and squid. It isn’t clear, but it’s thought that these creatures can smell amino acids in the water. It makes them more confident about going after their prey.

Salmon Shark1

This type of shark has been known to get up to speeds of 45 mph which is pretty impressive for its size. Scientists think salmon sharks have evolved such quick swimming abilities because some species out there eat them. It includes killer whales and great white sharks. 

10. Tiger Shark:

Last but not least, we have the tiger shark. It has probably earned its name because of its stripes and incredible ability to adapt. This type of shark has been known to swim in:

  • salt water
  • fresh water
  • and even polluted environments.

This shark has been known to eat just about anything, including fish and other smaller sharks. For the very same reason, this type of shark is often seen as a threat to people who go swimming. It’s because they’ve also been known to eat small mammals.

Despite their bad reputation, tiger sharks play an important role in the ecosystem. In all seriousness, we hope you enjoyed our article on the top ten fastest sharks on earth today.

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